Monday, January 23, 2006

I love my new studio and my workstation near by the window.Also do my youngest daughter Juliane and loves to do her scool exersices here.
Ich liebe mein neues Arbeitszimmer und meinen Arbeitsplatz am Fenster. Aber meine jüngste Tochter Juliane auch:hier macht sie gerade ihre Hausaufgaben.

And our sweet cat "Gina" is sleeping on my fabric.She soften my heart, I cannot awake her.Therfore I will putt off my activity and first have a coffee.

Und unsere süße Gina liegt natürlich genau auf meinem Stoff und schläft so friedlich. Wer hätte da das Herz sie zu wecken?Also wird das Arbeiten erst mal verschoben und Kaffee getrunken.


Debra said...

Beautiful work!!

I'm glad I found your blog... and welcome to the artful blogring.

Nikki said...

I just love the way you said your cat softens your heart. I often feel the same way about my cat and you expressed the feeling so beautifully.

jackie said...

Lovely to see your work station.
It really is great to see other people have the same obsession. A picture of my work space is over on my blog.

jackie said...

Lovely to see your work station.
It is good to know that people have a similar obsession with stitch,fabric etc..
A picture of my work space is over on my blog stitchworks-jackie.

Pat said...

Your work is lovely and I am so pleased to have found your blog! Pat